LiDAR technology enables to capture the data on-field by lighting the target using a pulsed laser. As LiDAR also provides elevation data, it finds applications in several industries. At Fervent technologies, we provide a wide range of LiDAR data processing services that helps in creating Digital Elevation Models (DEM), Digital Terrain Models (DTM), and Triangulated Inverse Networks (TIN) to provide highly accurate detail of the Earth’s surface.

Fervent Technologies has a rich experience in utility mapping services and Power Lines Network (transmission and distribution) from LiDAR Data and Aerial Photography, We have delivered around 50k Kms in the utility mapping services. We provide custom and high-quality utility mapping services. Our team has a good experience working on software like PLS CADD that allows us to model on 3D, run analysis, and simulations on power networks for different weather conditions, materials of the conductors. Our expertise:
2D & 3D power line network design
Utility mapping & inventories (crossings, buildings, assets)
New network design
PLS-CADD, 3D networks & weather conditions
Utility Management and Engineering
LiDAR data import in PLS-CADD software (.bak)
3D Network modeling from point clouds
Safety distances and offending vegetation detection for different weather conditions (wind, temperature) and conductors.

- Ground and Non-Ground Classification: We classify only ground points and Ground points are being used for creating surfaces.
- Advanced classification (Building, Road, Vegetation, etc.): We classify all required features as per specification.
- Ortho generation & Contour generation: Using DEM and photos, we generate orthophoto. An orthophoto is used for capturing 2d topographic features and being used in advanced classifications.
- Feature Extraction: As per requirement we capture features from LAS files
- 3d Building modeling: We generate 3d buildings from the LAS file and complex building will be manually edited and fixed.

Another way of collecting geospatial data using Lidar other than Arial and UAV are through the mobile vehicle. Mobile mapping is the process of collecting geospatial data from a mobile vehicle, fitted with a range of photographic, radar, laser sensors on the roof of a vehicle to capture objects around while the vehicle is on a move. We have experience of working on data collected through lidar survey by mobile vehicles.

Bathymetry is the technique to capture geospatial data of the coastline and waters. It is an effective solution for a wide-area survey. Bathymetric LiDAR is the most effective and cost-efficient technology to capture both the land and seafloor simultaneously to provide a continuous, detailed 3D elevation model along the coastline. We at Fervent Technologies provides highly accurate Bathymetry post-processing products
Our Expertise in LiDAR classifications in bathymetry are
Underwater Ground
Underwater Vegetation
Water Level